that they would leave their current job if they were not able to learn new skills or receive training.

The 2019 report on the Future of Work and Employee Learning by The Sitel Group that analyzed 1,200 U.S. employees had some baffling statistics but we’re asking you, is it really all that surprising?

Would you want to stay at a company where you weren’t growing anymore? A company that no longer stimulated your thinking or challenged you?

It has not been said enough but there is a growing need for organizations to invest in their people through training and development. By offering your employees the opportunity to grow, learn, and discover new skills, you would have enabled them to help your company do the same.

Think about it. When you learn and grow, you also need a place to execute and turn your training into something practical and actionable. By teaching them, investing in them, you are really investing in your company because they take their learning and use it to benefit and better their work, which ultimately benefits your company.

Your investment in them would lead to the success of your company.

We know that workers need to grow and learn beyond just being engaged or motivation but because it helps them do their jobs better. So why isn’t this a common practice at companies?

It could have something to do with employees not asking to learn a new skill either because admitting that they lack the skill or need more training on a specific topic or activity may lead to looking incompetent. Sitel Group’s report actually found that “46 percent of employees believe their employer penalizes them for not having certain skills on the job.”

It can be seen that both the employer and employee could use some perspective.

Based on the study, here a few key stats and facts that could help both sides gain insight into how they could approach learning a new skill or asking for the opportunity to do so.

  • “92 percent of U.S. employees say learning something new on the job makes them more motivated and engaged in their work”
  • “79 percent of employees say when searching for a job, it is important to them that the employer offers a formal training program to their employees”
  • “83 percent of employees find on-the-job training most effective in helping them perform well in their job, compared with classroom-based training, self-paced training (i.e., e-learning), and more”
  • “33 percent of employees say they have participated in past training on technology skills, while only 17 percent say they’ve participated in management skills training”
  • “More than half (51 percent) of employers don’t offer soft skills training (i.e., how to speak to a customer or client effectively)”
  • “68 percent of employers don’t incentivize or reward employees for completing training(s)”
  • “Nearly eight in 10 employees (79 percent) say when searching for a job, it is important to them that the employer offers a formal training program to employees”

A well-designed learning and development initiative not only should be a top priority to value the employee as a person but employers need to understand that learning and development impact overall employee experience, subsequently impacting the company.

According to Mike Small, CEO-Americas of the Sitel Group, “A good employee training program will not only help you retain and attract top talent, but it will also absolutely affect your organization’s ability to provide optimal experiences for your customers.”